
Adventures in Coaching

 This enchanting story uses Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to explain personal and business coaching in a magical and entertaining adventure. A host of fanciful characters show how to have an effective coaching conversation from start to finish, and to reach real world outcomes in a more transformative way. Alice finds herself turning into a pizza, going straight to jail on the Monopoly board and embarking on a space flight. Along the way she meets a helpful turtle, a charismatic ladybird and a fox with some personal problems, among a cast of curious characters.

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The story follows Lewis Carroll’s character, Alice as she discovers coaching and meets a teacher who explains the fundamental principles of personal and business coaching.  The coaching is brought to life when Alice is faced with some tough coaching conversations and she applies her new learning to the clients she works with.

“Why are you talking about me in the third person Ben, I’m right here?”

“Alice. Oh, hello. I’m just writing a synopsis of the book.”

Oh, what fun! Have you introduced Rita and Ronald yet?”

“Er… I’m not sure we should start with talking animals, the readers might not be ready for that, how about I say something more about the book.”

Adventures in Coaching introduces Coaching as an approach for managing people, improving performance and solving problems. The book will help the reader understand how to listen, how to ask questions effectively and how to have a coaching conversation from start to finish. It will also teach what to listen for during coaching conversations and how to bring insight and awareness to a coaching client as well as the potential problems within the dynamics of a coaching relationship, the ways in which entanglements can arise and how these can be avoided. As a result of this book I would expect the reader to be able to coach more effectively and reach outcomes in a more transformative way.”

“It sounds really good Ben, but make sure you say it’s a book about me!”

“Yes Alice, I will.”

The book is also about Alice, the star of the story, and her own journey as she learns about Coaching.

 “And it’s about the characters I meet. Let’s mention them.”

“Alice, why don’t you introduce the main characters in the story.”

“Right then, I will. I’ll start with Rita, she’s a turtle although I thought she was a tortoise at first and she didn’t like that. She is a-ma-zing, she-knows-everything-about-coaching and taught me so much. Ronald was my fellow student, he’s a manager for a company that makes bikes and Rita taught us both how to coach other people. Then there’s Christina, she’s a ladybird who I coached about her interview technique. Chris is a chimpanzee, he had some social anxiety and we watched Rita work with him.”

“I think that will do for now Alice, thank you. Let’s keep some surprises for when people read the book.”

“Ok Ben. I can’t wait to tell people the story.

Buy the book (paperback, kindle or audiobook) here